Every two years, the city of Stavanger hosts the Offshore Northern Seas event (ONS for short and “the oil fair” in casual language). In recent years, ONS has incorporated broader energy issues and innovation in technology into its core programming, but maintains a heavy focus on the petroleum industry. The biannual event is comprised of an exhibition (the main fair), a conference and a festival. The fair brings together representatives of the world’s leading oil and gas companies in a 33,000 sqm exhibition area, has over 60,000 visitors during its 4-days program, and conference speakers include prime ministers and other officials from oil and gas producing countries as well as key players in the international oil and gas industry. In other words – it’s huge. While the exhibition halls are filled with multi-million budget stands and fancy gadgets, focusing on being a meeting point for the industry, the festival part of the event is open for everyone – presenting food pavilions, free concerts and other entertainment in Stavanger’s harbor. The entire festival and ONS event culminates with an enormous free concert in the town square followed by fireworks on the last day – analogous to a big celebration of the industry.