Stavanger in Kopenhagen Magazine
- EN
- 23 June 2014
- Journal
The geography and growing cultural sector of Stavanger is profiled in the current issue of WAX Magazine, a biannual print publication based in New York City.
The magazine focuses in on the unique creative culture engendered by the urban landscape (waves, billboards, beaches, and sidewalks alike) and explores the intersections between art and surf culture. Each issue is guided by a specific theme and hosts material from a wide range of surfers, artists, curators, writers, photographers and designers. Their current issue, ISSUE #4: FLUX, includes an article by Kunsthall Stavanger Director and Curator Hanne Mugaas that highlights the rich cultural and creative life of Stavanger.
“Founded in 1125, Stavanger has evolved from being a small and lesser known coastal town to become the booming oil capitol of Norway. From The Battle of Hafrsfjord in the year 880 (a combat on a nearby fjord between Viking kings that would unite the western parts of Norway) to its current state as an international business hub with bustling activity both onshore and off, Stavanger has always been tied to – and dependent on -- the ocean. In the last few years, the city has also become a prime destination for both surfing and contemporary art. ...
In addition to surfing, Stavanger is currently one of the most interesting cities in Norway to explore contemporary art. Hå Gamle Prestegård (Hå Old Rectory) combines the two. On a windy shore far outside the city center, where surfers can often be seen in the distance, a building from 1637 has been converted into a center for contemporary art and culture. A favorite Sunday destination, art professionals will mingle with farmers here before participating in every Norwegian's favorite activity: going for walks. In close proximity, across a beach and a field of grassing cattle, is the Obrestad lighthouse, which has an artist residency. …”
The article goes on to describe the various beaches, historical sites, and cultural institutions that Stavanger has to offer. See an in-depth profile of WAX magazine on Kunsthall Stavanger’s blog, here, and read the entire article in WAX Magazine, available for purchase at Kunsthall Stavanger.
(if you need some visual inspiration for summer, they also have a great tumblr!)