Programslippet vårt starter i juni, og du kan holde deg oppdatert på filmer, gjester og arrangementer på vår hjemmeside
For bransjedeltakere byr vi på innholdsrike konferanser, seminarer, workshops og foredrag, og selvsagt filmmarkedet vårt New Nordic Films (NNF). Nyheter om NNF annonseres fortløpende på
Welcome to a new edition of the Norwegian International Film Festival in Haugesund! From 19 August to 25 August quality films from all over the world will be screened at the festival, which is the 45th edition! New Amanda Awards will be given, new stars will get their names ingraved in Haugesund’s Walk of Fame, and we will provide memorable cinema experiences for our audience!
Our programme will be announced, film by film, from june and onwards, and you can read all the latest news from us on our
News about our film market New Nordic Films will be announced on our website